For I-beams

Height adjustable support bracket with clamps for I-Beam
Split suspension bracket
Height adjustable bracket IPN DIN 1025
Height adjustable bracket IPN DIN 1025
Adjustable joist clamp with support bracket (Parallel to the I-beam)
Adjustable joist clamp with support bracket (90° to the I-beam)
Adjustable joist clamp with splice joint (Parallel to the I-beam)
Adjustable joist clamp with splice joint (90° to the I-beam)
I-Beam girder clamp
Girder clamp (heavy duty)
Adjustable suspension bracket
Suspension bracket
Adjustable bracket for I-Beam
Mounting assembly with plates for I-Beam
Support bracket with clamps for I-Beam
Height adjustable splice joint for I-Beam
Mounting assembly with clamps for I-Beam
Height adjustable mounting assembly with clamps for I-Beam
Height adjustable mounting assembly with plates for I-Beam
Adjustable mounting assembly, parallel/vertical to I-Beam
Angle adjustable mounting assembly with bracket .B04 for I-Beam